Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hey everyone!

Wanted to let you all know how things are going as I am preparing to go back to Japan! God has brought in 76% of the support that I need in order to spend a year working in Japan, and I just have 6 days left to see that last 24% come in.

So, why should you give? What's the point?
Hanging out with students I met last summer at Waseda
As many of you know, and as I've shared before, the number of Christians in Japan is less than 1% of it's total population. Most people have never even heard of Jesus, or if they've heard the name, they have no idea who He is and what He is about.
I want to go and share my faith in Christ, because I believe many Japanese want to hear it. I believe it offers the hope and joy that they are looking for. Jesus gives life, and gives peace amidst all the struggles of home, the pain from broken relationships, the terror of natural disasters, and from the expectations of success that are placed so heavily upon their shoulders. He wants to love them, but they don't even know who He is. I want to go and tell them that He is Jesus, and there is nothing more that they need to do except to love and trust Him.
Partying with ICU Highschool students!

These two pictures show a small sample of the students I was able to meet last summer during my 5 week trip to Japan. It was such a blessing to be able to go last summer and share our lives with each other. I pray I was a blessing to the students that I was able to meet. I know that the students I met were a blessing to me.

So please consider giving me the opportunity to go and invest in their lives for one more year. This is about more than just a trip to Japan, it's about the great commission, and about preaching the gospel to everyone, so that all may know of our wonderful Savior.

If you want to give, just go to and if you have any questions please email me at!

Looking forward to serving in Tokyo soon! Thank you for reading this and considering helping me get there.


1 comment:

  1. Ben, Yeah God... so awesome to hear that you are now fully funded. I know you haven't posted yet, but heard it from the folks.
